It's funny how much kids and dogs are alike. My nephews are the same way, finding one or two things that they really love and that's their focus. So why do we keep buying more junk that they don't need? Who knows? Maybe one of these days we will stop.
As I write this, Ginger is sitting on my leg with one of her paws on my arm and she just keeps staring at me like she's trying to do the Vulcan mind meld, lol. I don't know what she wants. I haven't figured out all of her little quirks and funny noises and moves, but we're getting there. She can be so wild and rambunctious one minute, then she sits like now just staring, waiting for attention. I love to "talk" with her as she makes funny noises at me. She'll make a noise and I'll repeat it. She keeps going and so do I until she's had enough and finally pounces on me. I can almost hear her telling me to stop mocking her, and she really means it this time. Honestly, how could anyone NOT want a dog??? (just my personal opinion of course:-)