Wednesday, December 29, 2010

M.J. the Cat

This cat has continued to show just how brave he is with the dogs here at the house. He'll sneak by and has made a point to visit each and every nook and cranny. Lucky for him he's fast as lightning. Ginger, the little red dog, is still not a big fan of him. She'll barely tolerate him if I'm holding her, but if she sees him coming into the room, she'll try to bolt. He's one heck of a smart critter though. There's a gate up at the bedroom door, so he can get out, but the dogs can't get in. Most of the time, he's so quiet, I can hardly tell he's around. Other times I can hear him playing with a few of the toys we've managed to gather over the last month. He sure does love the catnip!

He does have a couple of favorite places to hang out.  One is in the basket that you see in the pictures.  It's on top of a bookshelf in my living room.  Far enough off the ground to keep the dogs from bothering him, but close enough to me that he's happy.  Never have I met a cat that needed the attention this one does!  Otherwise, there's a big dog bed in the room he stays in that he'll keep his toys in, oddly enough. He's a pretty cool cat, but at heart, I have to say I'm still a dog person.  Who knows, maybe if he didn't still give me the sniffles, I would feel differently, but I can definitely say I've enjoyed having him around.  He's due to go back to his other "home" hopefully next week since the holidays are over.  With Ginger as unpredictable as she is and new fosters coming in, he'll definitely be "safer" there anyway!  
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