Okay, so I could say that he got his home and leave it at that. This little guy is full of energy and curiousity. One of the few times he sat still was in these pictures and when I would pic him up, hold him on his back like a baby and kiss his head. That being said, I'm so glad that he found his home because I had to ask Ellen to keep him again.

Shaggy's a great boy, but I took on another dog too soon. Butler (my rat) had to be moved into another room. As all good hounds do, Shaggy immediately found the cage and I couldn't keep him off of it without moving it. Completely normal for a dog and had Butler had his cagemates I wouldn't have had a problem with it. It's not the first time I've had to move my rats for their safety. Dogs will be dogs. Butler's alone now, so he was considerably unhappy with the situation.
Cody LOVED, LOVED, LOVED to play with Shaggy! They are about the same sized, so about equally matched. They would play nonstop, hard as can be, then all of a sudden, fall asleep next to each other (as you can see here) in seconds! Even when I'd get a bit stressed when tripping over them, I had to laugh. Pure happiness and energy with fur, that was these two. Shaggy was easily adapting into our routine, so he did not do a thing wrong. I however, was just not ready to take on the responsibility.
Fostering is a lot of work, but it's not the care and time that is hard for me. That's second nature and when you already have dogs, after the first bit of adjustment, the dog is just another member of the family. What's hard is the letting go, the knowing that the dog isn't staying with you that makes fostering the hardest. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being able to help and so much I hope that I will be able to foster again. Usually I feel like each dog that comes through and family I work with teaches me something new and increases my own capacity for love. (sounds selfish, doesn't it?) Actually I always feel that way, but lately I feel like the part of me that's leaving with the dog I have loved is leaving a bit of a hole. Can't seem to keep that filled right now. Yeah, yeah, draaaaama:-) That's what my brother would say (in a loving way of course). Just how I feel.
AAAAAnnnyyyyywwwwaayyyy, enough of that! I love fostering and will again, but for now, I'm still taking that break! I have instructed a friend to smack me hard if I call and say I'm taking another dog too soon. I can still help in other ways and will. Hopefully this summer, once school is over, I will have it together enough to start again! I love the little whippersnappers that come through here. In the meantime, I plan to continue to write about my critters and some of the other fosters that are with the group. There are so many that we have had for a looong time and we just can't figure out why because they are great dogs. Well, it's a rainy day and I really need to get my lazy butt up and get something done. After all, I do still have 4 fairly demanding "children". One of them is looking at me right now and a bit annoyed that we haven't played yet. Yup, better get to it.