Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meet Shaggy

Okay, so I should have known it wouldn't last. Just can't take seeing so many dogs and so few places to put them so they are out of danger. So I called Ellen and I came home with Shaggy the beagle. He reminds me of the beagle from that movie Cats & Dogs if you've ever seen that. (Very cute by the way.) Shaggy is about a 5 year old male though he sure doesn't act like 5! He has a lot of energy, but he's not destructive. . .so far:-) He loves to play fetch, um, though he hasn't figured out that you are supposed to bring it back if you want to keep playing. He, of course, loves Cody. And he's already received the Lexy seal of approval (tail wag, paw stretch, 2 minute play then she's bored and walks away so he's passed her test). My very snobbish Squirt on the other hand, thinks that he is MUCH too friendly and playful. Hrmph! is what she thinks of an uncoordinated, long eared dog who is not selective at all about who he plays with or more to the point, who he pushes off the couch*wink*

She's tolerating him though and I figure by tomorrow, she'll just start ignoring him as she does most of the dogs that visit here. My favorite part of him so far? Must be the ears! Could be the tail though as it has not stopped wagging since he's been here. The only other beagle type dog I've ever worked with was Jester, and I loved him to pieces! Shaggy is pretty much the polar opposite (lots of energy) but just as lovable. He's plum worn himself out and is sleeping here next to me rolled up in a little ball. I doubt he'll be around too long. This guy would be great with or without kids, is great in the car, could use some leash manners, but isn't so bad since he's pretty small. You can see he's not much bigger than my 16 lb Cody. He's a pretty good listener and LOVES his treats, so I'm guessing he'll be easy to train. I'll keep you posted on that.

In case you are wondering why Cody was standing in the second pic, he thought someone was at the door so decided to get all "commando doggie". He really has no idea of exactly what a little squirt he is!
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