Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Any more miracles left?

Yup, this is a picture of a dog before he was taken in, cleaned up and given a real home and a real chance. At 9 years old, this is a picture of Mo when he was picked up from the Polk County property. Hard to believe that these pics are both of the same dog, eh? Well, it has recently come to my attention that there are still 6 more dogs left there that Community Partnership for Pets is still trying to find homes for. Pretty amazing, though, when you think that they started with over 100 dogs there. They reached out to folks in their own area and across the country to try to help these dogs. As wonderful as it is that the rest have been helped, it breaks my heart to think of the 6 that are left. Buzz going among the group is to try to see if we can't get a few more of them up here. They deserve the same good luck that their buddies were lucky enough to have. We've had a few miracles happen this year with so many of our dogs. Are there a few more out there to help these last few find a place to call their own???

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